Relationships towards this taxonGenus group namesSpecies group names
Tellina fragilis | Linnaeus, 1758 | basionym |
Gastrana fragilis var. altavillensis | de Gregorio, 1884 | synonym |
Gastrana fragilis var. incrassata | Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1896 | synonym |
Gastrana fragilis var. major | Pallary, 1900 | synonym |
Gastrana fragilis var. nigella | de Gregorio, 1884 | synonym |
Petricola ochroleuca | Lamarck, 1818 | synonym |
Psammotaea tarentina | Lamarck, 1818 | synonym |
Tellina fragilis | Linnaeus, 1758 | synonym |
Tellina jugosa | Brown, 1818 | synonym |
Tellina striatula | Olivi, 1792 | synonym |
Uncidens arupinensis | Coen, 1934 | synonym | Vernaculars (+)
(-) Dutch: gewone eierschelp sources: de Bruyne, R.H.; Bank, R.A.; Adema, J.P.H.M.; Perk, F.A. (1994). Nederlandse naamlijst van de weekdieren (Mollusca) van Nederland en Belgie: feestuitgave ter gelegenheid van het zestig-jarig jubileum van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging [Dutch namelist of the Mollusca from the Netherlands and Belgium: festive edition at the occasion of the 60-year jubilee of the Dutch Malacological Society]. Backhuys Publishers: Leiden, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-73348-33-1. 149 pp. Greek: Λεπτοτελλίνα Literaturebasis of record | Gofas, S.; Le Renard, J.; Bouchet, P. (2001). Mollusca, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 180-213 | additional source | Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France. 307 pp. | additional source | Zamouri-Langar, N.; Chouba, L.; Ajjabi Chebil, L.; Mrabet, R.; El Abed, A. (2011). Les coquillages bivalves des côtes tunisiennes. Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer: Salammbô. ISBN 978-9938-9512-0-2. 128 pp. | additional source | Backeljau, T. (1986). Lijst van de recente mariene mollusken van België [List of the recent marine molluscs of Belgium]. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen: Brussels, Belgium. 106 pp. |
External LinksBiodiversity Heritage Library (88 publications) USNM Invertebrate Zoology Mollusca Collection GBIF
CitationGofas, S. (2014). Gastrana fragilis. In: Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvantidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2014) European Register of Marine Species, accessed through PESI at
Present Absent Doubtful Native Introduced Naturalised Invasive Managed No data |
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Last modified2004-12-21 by Serge GofasYour feedbackclick here |