Rosa canina L.
Rank: SpeciesTaxon Status: accepted
Relationships towards this taxonGenus group names
Species group names
Vernaculars (+) (-) Aragonese: arto de garrabera; birulos (fruto); cuculos; gabardas; gabardera; gabarrera; galabardera; galbanzo; galbara; garrabera; garrabón (fruto); garrabonera; lulos (fruto); picacostillas; rosa de burro; rosa salvaje; tapacul; tapaculos; zarza gabardera sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). Asturian: arto de la cangrena; bailarín; bailarote; diente de lloba; dientes de lloba; ganciu; garameta; garamito; garbanzal; gavilancero; mazacoral; picaculo; rosa; rosal; rosal caninu; rosal de la raposa; rosal del diablu; rosal montés; rosal montesín; roseira sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). Catalan: cirer de pastor; despullabalitres; despullabelitres; escanyaguilles; escanyelles; gabarrera; gabernera; garrabea; garrabó; garrabón; gavarnera; gradanes; rosa; rosa de ca; rosa de pastor; rosa englantina; rosa/roses; roser; roser caní; roser d´ivern; roser de bosc; roser de ca; roser de Nadal; roser de tartor; roser d'hivern; roses de mal d´ulls sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). Dutch: Hondsroos sources: Dutch Species Register English: Dog rose sources: Nash, Roisin (FaEu - Ecological Consultancy Services Ltd (Ecoserve)) English-United States: Dog rose; Dog-rose sources: Charles Hussey Euskera: alkakarats; alkata atza; arkakaratxa; arrosa lili; arrosatze; astoarrosa; astolarrosa; basaarrosa; basalarrosa; baso arrosatze; ipurrditapatzeko; itxularrosa; lahar; larrarrosa; otsalarr; otsolaharr; otsolaparr; otsolarr; otsonaharr; otxolaharr; sapalarr; saparr larr; sasi arrosa sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). Galician: agavanza; agavanzo; Feirdhris; gabanceira; gabarreira; peros de can; rosa de can; rosa macho; rosa-de-câo; roseira; silva de mar; silva d'o mar; silva madre; silva-macha; silvâo; silvardo; silvarro sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). High Aragonese: albardera; cuculos; escaramujo; gabarda; gabardera; galabardera; galbanzo; galbara; garrabera; garrabón; rosa de burro; rosa salvaje; tapaculos; zarzagabardera sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). Irish: Feirdhris sources: Nash, Roisin (FaEu - Ecological Consultancy Services Ltd (Ecoserve)) Majorcan: gabarrera; gavarrera sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). Norwegian Bokmål: steinnype Norwegian Nynorsk: steinnype Portuguese: agavanzo; gabanceira; gravanceira; peros de can; rosa brava; rosa canina; rosa-canina; rosa-de-câo; roseira brava; silva macha; silva-macha; silvâo; silvo macho; sylva macha sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). Spanish, Castillian: agavanzal; alcaracache; atrancaculos; avaganza; aveganza; bailarín; balbaretas; calambroja; calambrojal; calambrojo; calambruju; carambullo; caramullero; carmín; catapul; cerezos de pastor; cinorrodon; cinosbatos (fruto); coral; corales; escalambrujera; escalambrujo; escambrujera; escambrujo; escarambujos; escaramujas; escaramujera; escaramujo (fruto); escaramujos; espino de avaganzo; espino vero; espinu garbanceiru; gabanzal; gabarda; galibardos (fruto); garamito; garbanzal; garbanzo; garbanzu; garvancera; gavanza; gavanzo; gavanzo (fruto); iscalambruju; legumbres; majoletos; monjolinos; morato; picacostillas; picaculos; picaculu; pinchaculos; rascaculos; revientaperros; revilva; rosa boscana; rosa de culebra; rosa de pastor; rosa de perro; rosa de zarzal; rosal borde; rosal campesino; rosal de culebra; rosal de escaramojos; rosal de libra; rosal montés; rosal montisco; rosales del diablo; subiadal; taramujo; trampaculos; zarraculos; zarza de calambrojas; zarza de garabita; zarza de perro; zarza perruna; zarza revilva; zarzaperruna; zarza-rosal; zarzarrosa sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). Swedish: stenros Turkish: Kusburnu; Yabani gul Valencian: galabardera; galaberdet; galaberdos (fruto); garrabea; garrabó; garrabón; gavernera; gavernes (fruto); gavernetes rogetes (fruto); orreveilero; picaesquenes; revailetero; roser bord; roser de marge; roser de pastor; roser salvatge; roser silvestre; sarça; sarça gavernera; sarses de gavernetes rogetes sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands). Welsh: Rhosyn Gwyllt Literature
GenbankCitationKurtto, A. (2009): Rosaceae (pro parte majore). In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Rosa canina L.. Accessed through: Euro+Med PlantBase at Absent Doubtful Native Introduced Naturalised Invasive Managed No data |
Environmentno dataImportanceno dataProvided byGUID69FD9E73-F957-4AD5-9A18-896E94EF1CD2 Last modified2009-09-10 by Kurtto, A. (2009): Rosaceae (pro parte majore). In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.Your feedbackclick here |
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