22 scientific names found with following ranks: Species, Subspecies

Scientific Names:

  ·  Rorippa islandica (Gunnerus) Borbás
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu - MAIRE, R. & al. - Flore de l'Afrique du Nord. Lechevalier, Paris, 1952-... 1: [1]-366. 1952; 2: [1]-374. 1953; 3: [1]-399. 1955; 4: [1]-333. 1957; 5: [1]-307. 1958; 6: [1]-374. 1960; 7: [1]-329. 1961; 8: [1]-303. 1962; 9: [1]-300. 1963; 10: [1]-336. 1963;.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu - TÄCKHOLM, V. - Students' flora of Egypt (ed. 2). Cairo University, Beirut, 1974. [1]-888.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu ALI, S. I., S. M. H. JAFRI & A. EL-GADI - Flora of Libya. Al Faateh University, Tripoli, 1976 [i.e. 1977]-1989. 1-147; Gymnosperms. 1986.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu BOULOS, L. (ed.) - A check-list of the Libyan flora. Cairo, 1977. 1: Publ. Cairo Univ. Herb. 7-8: 115-141. 1977; A check-list of the Libyan flora. Genève, 1979-... 2: Candollea 34: 21-48. 1979; 3 (Composées/JEFFREY): l.c. 34: 307-332. 1979; l.c. 35: 565-567. 1980; 4:...
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu COSTE, H., P. JOVET & R. DE VILMORIN - Flore descriptive et illustrée de la France. Suppléments. Albert Blanchard, Paris, 1973-1979. 1: [1]-XI, [i], [1]-86. "1972" [1973]; 2: [87]-[174]. 1974; 3: [175]-[338]. 1975; 4: [339]-478. 1977; 5: [479]-[590]. 1979.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu COSTE, H., P. JOVET, R. DE VILMORIN & M. KERGUÉLEN - 11. - Flore descriptive et illustrée de la France. Suppléments. Albert Blanchard, Paris, 1985-.. 6: [I]-XVIII, [iv], [591]-[746]. 1985-...
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu DAVIS, P. H. (ed.) - Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1965-1985. 1: [x], 1-567. 1965; 2: [i]-xii, 1-581. 1967; 3: [i]-xvii, [iii], 1-628. 1970; 4: [i]-xviii, [ii], 1-657. 1972; 5: [i]-xviii, [ii], 1-890. 1975; 6: [i]-xviii, [ii], 1-825. 1978; 7: [i]-xx, [ii], 1-947. 1982; 8: [i]-xx, [ii], 1-632. 1984; 9: [i]-xx, [ii], 1-724. 1985.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu DAVIS, P. H., R. R. MILL & KIT TAN (ed.) - 14. - Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1988. 10 (supplement): [i]-xxi, [i], 1-590.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu FOURNIER, P. - Les quatre flores de France. "Nouveau tirage avec compléments, corrections et tables (des familles et biographique)" [ed. 3]. Paul Lechevalier, Paris, 1961. [I]-XLVIII, 1-[1106], [viii].
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu FRANCO, J. Do Amaral - Nova Flora de Portugal. S.n., Lisboa, 1971-1984. 1: [I]-XXIV, 1-[648]. 1971; 2: [I]-XXVII, 1-[660]. 1984.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu GUINOCHET, M. & R. DE VILMORIN - Flore de France. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 1973-1984. 1: [1]-366. 1973; 2: [I]-XVI, [367]-818. 1975; 3: [819]-[1200]. 1978; 4: [1201]-[1596]. 1982; 5: [1597]-1879. 1984.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu HALLIDAY, G. & M. BEADLE - 58. - Consolidated index to Flora Europaea. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983. [vi], [1]-210.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu HAYEK, A. - 26. - Prodromus florae peninsulae Balcanicae (ed./F. MARKGRAF). Dahlem bei Berlin 1929-1933. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30/1-3. 2/2: 97-240. 1929 (20 juil.); 2/3: 241-336. 1929 (15 nov.); 2/4: 337-576. 1930 (15 oct.); 2/5: 577-768. 1931 (15 fév.); 2/6: 769-960. 1931 (20 sept.); 2/7: 961-1152. 1931 (31 déc.); 3/1: 1-208. 1932 (15 août); (... -> notes)
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu HAYEK, A. - Prodromus florae peninsulae Balcanicae. Dahlem bei Berlin, 1924-1928. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30/1-3. 1/1: [I]-[VIII], 1-160. 1924 (1 avril); 1/2: 161-352. 1924 (25 août); 1/3: 353-512. 1925 (15 fév.); 1/4: 513-672. 1925 (15 déc.); 1/5-6: 673-960. 1926 (15 oct.); 1/7-8: 961-1193. 1927 (30 juin); 2/1: 1-96. 1928 (24 nov.).
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu JORDANOV, D. (ed.) - Flora na Narodna Republika Balgarija. Izdatelstvo na Balgarskata akademija na naukite, Sofija, 1963-... 1: [1]-507. 1963, 2: [1]-423. 1964; 3: [1]-637. 1966; 4: [1]-748. 1970; 5: [1]-442. 1973; 6: [1]-590. 1976; 7: [1]-529. 1979; 8: [1]-518. 1982-...
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu JOSIFOVIC, M. & al. - Flora sr Srbije. Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosni, Beograd, 1970-1976. 1: [I]-X, [1]-326. 1970; 2: [I]-X, [1]-294. 1970; 3: [I]-XVIII, [1]-599. 1972; 4: [I]-XV, [i], [1]-584. 1972; 5: [I]-XX, [1]-640. 1973; 6: [I]-XVII,[i], [1]-599. 1974;7: [I]-XIX, [i], [1]-651. 1975; 8: [I]-XVIII, [1]-515. 1976.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu MARTINCIC, A. & F. SUSNIK - Mala flora Slovenije. Cankarjeva zalozba, Ljubljana, 1969. [1]-[519].
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu TUTIN, T. G. & al. (ed.) - Flora europaea. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1964-1980. 1: [i]-xxxii, [ii], [1]-464. 1964; 2: [i]-xxvii, [iii], [1]-[455]. 1968; 3: [i]-xxix, [iii], [1]-370. 1972; 4: [i]-xxix, [iii], [1]-505. 1976; 5: [i]-xxxvi, [ii], 1-452. 1980.
  ·  Rorippa islandica sensu WEBB, D. A. - The Flora of European Turkey. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 1966. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 65/B/1: [1]-100.

  ·  Rorippa islandica (Oeder) Borbás subsp. islandica
  ·  Rorippa islandica subsp. dogadovae (Tzvelev) Jonsell